Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Summer 2007

This summer has been amazing, and ridiculous. A of all, i never got a job. I never got a job when i needed one just so i could survive, somehow i got by from the niceness of my housemates, my mom, my sister, and my financial aid smartness. I lived with Jen P., Aubrey, Dalia, and one other guy Chris. We spent all summer searching for an impossible seeming 5-7 bedroom house, and we found a 7 bedroom house to movie into September 1st. It is the most amazing thing ever, it is huge, 3 stories, 3 decks, 4 bathrooms, washer/dryer, 2 fridges, front porch, lots of parking, god and I'm just obsessed with it. We added an extra roommate that i won't mention right now. But so far the original 7 of us is Me, Jen Puchalski, Aubrey Hecklau, Aria Benham, Grace and Katie Harding, and Jessica Wackenhut. Fuck I'm excited. Money has been a little tight, but it should be ok and i should be able to keep myself afloat. I should still look for a part time job, but if not i'm for sure getting work study during the school year, thats a definate.

So what have I been doing besides searching for houses? Well lots of smoke seshes with Jen, Dalia, and Aubrey. World of Warcraft has been an exciting revolution, but I think I'm over it and I'm gonna cancel my service. Harry Potter 7 the book and Harry Potter 5 the movie came out this summer, so I've been obsessed with that, and i've been re-reading all the books and I'm already half way through the 5th. Also, I've been taking summer school. 1st session i had Developmental Psychology where the teacher was probably the most retarded grad student ever, and basically there was no point to coming to class. Now I'm the second session taking Abnormal Psychology which is really interesting, and my first upper division class, and the teacher is brilliant, so I'm loving that.

and Then finally my amazing boyfriend Marcus Zepeda. I'm obsessed with him a little bit and I could not express how perfect he is in words. I'm at his house pretty much every night, and I've slept at my house 5 times total this summer, 3 of the days in which he visiting his family in LA. one he slept with me at my house. The reason I'm always at his house is cause i have a twin bed, and i share a room with Dalia. But when i move into my new house on the first I'll have a full-size bed and my own room, so he'll be able to stay over half the time. He's asleep next to me right now and he's adorable. And I'm listening to Timbaland's "Apologize" and it an amazing tune, you should download it.

So I'm 20, and a Junior in college. It's incredibly how fast time flies. People say that high school is the best times of your life, but i beg to differ. College I can already tell will be the best years of my life, and i couldn't have asked for a better experience, and these next 2 years are going to be a blast i know it. I love my housemates for 2007-2009!!!! (Don't worry Katie S., Natalie, Dalia - I love you guys to death too, but living off campus is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better)

Oh blogs. your silly.

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